Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I Remember....Do You?

Anyone who has never been to San Antonio can at least associate the city with the famous Alamo. Although many things portrayed in history about the Alamo are true, there are a plethora of things that are skipped over or left out completely. It’s unfortunate, but inevitable, that in history you only hear one side of a story, and that’s the winner’s side. Founded in 1718 the Alamo still has very sentimental meaning and is carried out everyday as historians tell about the legacy of the famous building. Even though many men like Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, and Stephen F. Austin were very heroic men, no one knows much about the heroic men that fought for the opposing side.
One man, Santa Anna, was not among the heroic, but a very well known man. Santa Anna was a dictator and a very powerful man. In 1824 he suspended the Constitution so no one had any rights. Some may say that Santa Anna did have a humane side due to the fact that he let all women and children go before battling at the Alamo. While many men fought for both sides 187 men lost their lives defending what they felt was right, Santa Anna told his troops to take no prisoners.
As I strolled along the streets of downtown San Antonio, I retraced the same steps that many people had in search to know more about my history. The Alamo isn’t just a place where men fought, died, and honored their beliefs, but the Alamo, to me, is the heart of San Antonio and because my ancestors and history lies in it, I know I’ll always “remember the Alamo”.
Word Count-279

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